It's a way of thinking!!



Finding balance in an unbalanced world takes thought and lots of it!! Maybe that's why so many of us are out of balance??!! As a matter of fact it's a mindset and a lifestyle change. It requires courage and grace. My quest for finding balance began about a year ago when I FINALLY began listening to my body. I was totally out of wack!! Irregular sleep patterns, constant stomach issues and skin afflictions popping up everywhere like crazy!! After so many years of not practicing self-care, feeding a major sugar addiction and allowing negative people into my world my body said enough is enough!! So now because of this, I'm working towards regaining my health, harmony and balance. It's tough believe me!! The chronic illnesses I've developed over the years include rheumatoid arthritis, IBD, eczema and shingles. I work hard to manage these on a daily basis. I'm not a believer of traditional Western medicine. I don't see a MD. I don't take prescription medication. I self-educate and utilize holistic and natural remedies. After all social work 101 is to approach everything as a system and our bodies are made up of many intricate systems put in place to keep us functioning but it requires balance. It's a journey I'll be on for the rest of my life but I'm excited and feel empowered!

If you've begun to feel out of balance and have developed chronic illness (this includes mental health), it may be time to start thinking out loud about your life. It's time to start looking at how you think. It's time to start educating yourself and asking questions. A great place to start is completing the Wheel of Life. Get started and get thinking!! If you feel out of balance and need to recalibrate your wellness, please contact me for your complimentary 30-minute consultation. Your in control of your mental wellness journey!!

Finding Balance

I’m three years post graduation and two and half years into my career as a full fledged licensed social worker. Man it’s been a journey from the start of grad school to the point where I am now. I continue to grow as a professional as a woman but most importantly my growth as a human being continues full force. I love what I do. I love empowering and educating other people so they can evolve into the best version of themselves.

I love watching on the sidelines with my invisible pom-poms cheering and screaming as someone has an epiphany that positively alters the course of their life and I literally see the personal evolution in action. It’s exhilarating. It’s exhausting. It’s frustrating. But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Although I’m enjoying this journey, somewhere along the way I lost my balance. You know that pie chart where ideally each slice is basically the same size? Well my career slice has become much larger than my personal slice and that’s a problem!!

I’m not only a social worker but I have other hats to wear that are colorful and adventurous that have somehow been tossed aside like yesterday’s leftovers. I’m a poet. I’m a hot biker chick. I’m an artist. I’m a student.I’m a sister-friend. I’m a traveler. I’m a free spirit that is trapped. I’m in a conundrum of scheduling, paperwork and appointments that has taken over my pie of life like blue mold on cheese. Self-care is essential in the serving industries and I’ve been slacking!! So in an effort to regain my balance, I’ve started this blog to have a place to vent. A place to share my wins and my losses. A place to scream when I’m angry and a place to cry when I’m happy. A place where hopefully other social workers will find solace and companionship when they too are looking for their balance.  I hope you’ll join me in your own journey of finding personal balance!!
