time management

How to avoid burnout while working from home

With the increasing prevalence of remote work, the boundaries between professional and personal life have become blurred for many people. While there are many benefits to work from home like flexibility and convenience, working from home can also present many unique challenges that can lead to anxiety and ultimately feeling burnout from what feels like a continuous state of working. Burnout is a state of chronic physical, mental and emotional exhaustion often accompanied by feelings of cynicism and detachment from work and many times life in general. Let’s look at some strategies to empower you to prevent and avoid burnout as you enjoy your work from home career.


Routine! Routine! Routine!

Creating and maintaining a structured daily routine is key to preventing burnout while working remotely. This means regular work hours, consistent breaks as well as an obvious and clear separation within the home between work and your personal life.

Designated workspace!

This is a crucial for establishing psychological boundaries for a healthy work-life balance. Designate a specific area in your home for working rather it’s a corner or a room that is limited by only work-related activities. This space should be free from distractions to allow you to optimize your productivity. By creating a space separate from your living space, you will mentally associate it with work which will activate a mental off/on switch when you enter that space allowing there to be a boundary that will greatly reduce the risk of burnout.

Self-care is a must!

Do more of what brings you joy! Prioritize sleep, nutrition and hydration as well as mindfulness, movement and relaxation. Just as you would do working out in the world, maintain your social connections and seek support from friends. Schedule a lunch date, grab an early morning coffee or walk with friends during your scheduled breaks to stay connected and help alleviate the possibility of burnout.

Establish clear boundaries!

It’s very easy to blur the line between professional and personal life when working from home. Make sure to communicate your availability and working hours to colleagues, friends, clients/customers and family members to minimize outside distractions while working. Set guidelines for interruptions during work hours by using headphones, placing a physical or digital “do not disturb sign up”, silencing your phone or by scheduling phone calls and return emails.

Practice effective time management!

Effective time managmenet is the key to maintaining productivity while also preventing burnout. Set realistic goals for yourself and prioritize work tasks based on their importance and urgency to be completed throughout the workday. Utilize visual aids such as calendars or white boards to post tasks and their targeted completion date. Setting reminders on the computer or your phone can help you to stay on task, which ultimately helps with productivity as well as decreasing feelings of stress or feeling overwhelmed. Fight the urge to multi-task work and home tasks as it can be really easy to get distracted when doing this.


As remote work continues to be a prevalent mode of employment, the risk of burnout also remains a significant source of concern. Make sure to implement the tips and strategies recommended to mitigate the possibility of burnout and fatigue. It is imperative to remember that maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing mental well-being are fundamental to long-term professional success and overall happiness.

Learning how to avoid burnout while putting some strategies in place takes time and patience. I’m here to support you through your journey. If you’re struggling with creating a healthy work-life balance, I can help! Let’s schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation to talk a little bit about what’s going on in your world and what action you’d like to take for it to be even better. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care!



Women's Mental Health

Women's mental health

Women's mental health

Healthy Women 2018

Each year Mother's Day kicks off National Women's Health Week and what better way to celebrate than to explore Women's mental health for an overall sense of well-being and healthy lifestyle.  I talk about the Mental Health Toolbox frequently and that's because I believe in and advocate for intentional self-care. The toolbox can be a tangible kit or it can be abstract. Either way, one of the best tools we can put in that toolbox is the ability to purge our thoughts.

Getting Started

I strongly recommend developing the therapeutic habit of journalling. This can be done in many many ways that can be creative and fun as well as enlightening for an overall sense of positive well-being. To improve women's mental health as well as assist the evolutionary process, I encourage my clients to develop a routine or practice to their journalling to track progress or stagnation. Once we develop a habit we're more likely to continue using it. Here's some videos with ideas that might inspire you to get started or will help fine tune your current journalling practice.

Topic Ideas for Journalling

One of the challenges many of my clients say they have is "what do I write about"? And my answer is ANYTHING!! Anything that comes across your mind. Now for me, that's super easy but for some that can be a struggle. Here's some topic ideas that could give you a blank canvas of writing to self-discovery that's can be super therapeutic.

Bullet Journalling

One of the most fun ways to explore yourself is through bullet journalling. I'm actually working with a local small business in Kansas City who is helping me to develop a self-care journal that I will make available to my clients as well as to others who are interested in beginning the process of journalling. Take a look at this video to get some ideas on how to get started.

Women's Mental Health

As women we must be consistent with our self-care. We have to utilize tools in our toolbox and we have to continually add new tools. We have to seek out support. We have to empower other women into being the best version of who they are. We have to be patient, kind and loving to ourselves and to others. The most important thing is to get started. If you’d like to talk more about the benefit of journalling, let’s connect through my 30-minute complimentary consultation.

I know you can do this. I believe in you!


Take back your time!

I don't know about you but I NEVER seem to have enough time. Time to do the things I need to do let alone time to do the things I want to do. Time to clean. Time to rest. Time to work. Time to love. Time to self-care. Did somebody say self-care? Learning to take back your time is self-care! So lets celebrate Take Back Your Time Awareness Week happening now!!

What steals your time away?

take back your time

take back your time

I've been thinking a lot about that and here's what I've come up with:

To-do Lists

Problem: I'm a believer in lists but huge overwhelming to-do lists are a giant time sucker. I get so lost in the lines of smudged lead, vanishing ink and scraps of paper that I lose track of what I actually need to get done.

Solution: Just have one ongoing things to-do list in a notebook or in an app it doesn't matter but choose only three tasks a day that you're willing to commit to actually getting completed. If you complete those three, then by all means challenge yourself to do more but the feeling of accomplishment will feel great by crossing those three completed tasks off your daily calendar. Take back your time and check this out for some more time-saving ideas!


Problem: We get so lost in the alphabet list of things to get done and no time to do them in frame of mind that the anxiety kicks in!

Solution: I think I talk about this everyday but being mindful and in this present moment is a huge help when feeling overwhelmed and lost in the proverbial shuffle of life. Anxiety is another giant time sucker! Take a second to ground yourself. Next, take a mental note of what you have control over and focus on that specifically. Finally, take back your time and create a plan of action and prioritize needs and wants. Add them to your primary to-do list described above.

Got structure?

Problem:  Lack of structure is a huge time sucker. Time is a commodity that once spent it's gone forever. Many times I look up and see I've utilized and spent hours doing--well I don't really know.

Solution: Many of my friends laugh at me but I put EVERYTHING on my electronic calendar. I like to utilize Google but there's lots out there. If it's on my calendar then it's real and it exists and almost always gets done. Structure is necessary for there to be productivity. This is a good place to schedule your self-care too!! Take back your time and organize your day.


Problem: Looking at life through smudged lenses makes everything morph into unrecognizable shapes that we just can't see for what they truly are. In other words, be realistic!! You're not perfect! I know that's a newsflash but none of us are--so stop trying.

Solution: Stop expecting perfection. It's so simple. My mom in her younger days used to have these fantasies about all of the millions of things she could get done in a single day of 24 hours. She's bipolar and in her mania, would try and conquer the world. Of course she came close lots of times but it came with a great cost (that's another blog) but most of the time she was unsuccessful. She passed that mindset on to me and it's not only been a time sucker but also a huge manifestation of my own anxiety. Know your self-talk and combat it with reasonable expectations. Take back your time and be kind to yourself in the process.

Well that's it!! I encourage you to really begin to analyze what takes your time and how you can get that control back. Empower yourself with self-exploration. Educate yourself with information. Evolve into the best version of you. I’m always available for a 30-minute complimentary consultation to throw some of these ideas around!

Check back later for more information on time and self-care!!
