
Challenging the stigma of trauma

Anytime someone experiences trauma, getting through the aftermath can be even more difficult than the actual trauma that is experienced. We all respond to trauma differently but the stigma surrounding the experience can be equally if not more traumatic for many survivors.

Misconceptions or stigmas surrounding trauma can be devastating for many of those who have actually experienced the trauma. Because of fear or insufficient information, people tend to make assumptions to form an opinion around particular trauma or survivors. Our culture often supports and has deep-rooted stereotypes and “myths” regarding trauma as well as those who have experienced the trauma. This of course has shown to perpetuate stigmas attached to trauma.

Unfortunately, many who have at some point encountered that kind of stigmatization struggle with healing making the process even more difficult. Many are even re-traumatized as they maneuver through and encounter the stigmas associated with trauma particularly within hospital, law-enforcement or judicial settings. 

So given that we’ve just scratched the surface of stigma associated with trauma, wouldn’t you agree that this is something we all should take very seriously? Each of us has a responsibility to impart change. Here are some things we all can work towards doing: 

Stop victim blaming!

Stop blaming the person who is the victim. No exceptions. Period. Many who experience trauma subsequently struggle with their own self-esteem and self-worth. There are thoughts and beliefs that “I could have or should have done something different” which caused or failed to prevent the trauma from happening in the first place. Of course this is false!!

When a survivor is blamed for trauma, it can bring an avalanche of emotions to the surface but also bury some deep within. Feeling worthless and confused are quite common for many trauma survivors. Too much of that negative self-talk can start to control an internal dialogue with self which ultimately brings feelings of isolation and loneliness. 

Anyone who has experienced a traumatic event is at great risk to develop anxiety as well as depression. Understanding the myths and stigmas associated with trauma is the first step to supporting those who have survived trauma. 

Understanding Trauma Stigmas

For someone who has experienced trauma, there are usually “triggers” or things that present as a reminder to a previous trauma. The more we know means the more we can understand what these triggers might look like. “Popular” stigmas include:

  • It was your fault.

    • You shouldn’t have worn that type of clothing!

    • You were too drunk!

    • Why were you even there?

  • You’re exaggerating your story.

    • It couldn’t have been that bad!

    • Are you sure you’re remembering it correctly?

    • You’re just being extra!

  • You must have deserved it.

    • Things like that don’t happen to “good” people.

    • You put yourself in that position or situation.

    • You were being too flirty.

  • You should learn how to move on and get over it.

    • Go on with life.

    • It’s over already.

    • Just put it behind you.

  • The trauma wasn’t “that bad” and you should be grateful it wasn’t worse.

    • You just need to pray about it.

    • Was it really that bad?

    • This happened to me and I got over so can you.

People mean well when they say these things but it perpetuates the stigmas associated with trauma not to mention minimizes what the survivor has experienced. It’s important to remember that we’re all different so that means different experiences are going to impact each of us differently. Don’t assume. Don’t believe stereotypes. Don’t be silent.

Education begins the process to understanding! 

As a trauma survivor, you have more strength and courage than you’ll ever know!! Fighting against these stigmas may be a challenge especially if you’re already feeling so bad about yourself and what you’ve experienced. One of the best ways to begin the healing process is to educate yourself and others about trauma in general and the stigmas that have latched on. The more people know and understand how trauma impacts someone the more the myths begin to be questioned and rejected.

I truly believe knowledge really is power! Being a survivor of trauma puts you in a unique place meaning you have the ability to take the negative and horrific experience and turn it around to educate others and stop the overwhelming cycle of misconceptions and stigmas around trauma. You empower yourself as well as others! Which is always a key ingredient to the healing process.

Share with others how your trauma has impacted you. Tell them what symptoms you experience and talk about the things that trigger you. The more and more that you share the easier it becomes. Talking about it gives your power, exposes the truth and can be a real shot of confidence to boost your overall perception of self and your healing spirit. Check out some additional resources here.

If you’re ready to begin the healing journey from your trauma, I would be honored to talk with you. I always offer a 30-minute consultation to see if we’re a good fit. Be kind to yourself and take care!


You are not alone…

You are not alone…

Mentally healthy in the Workplace

mentally healthy in the workplace

mentally healthy in the workplace

Are you mentally healthy in the workplace?

It’s 7:56am, and a silver mini-van smashes into the rear-end of your car, sending you off the lane and into the highway shoulder. Within 5 loud seconds, you open your eyes to the dusty remnants of deployed airbags and honking horns surrounding you. You’re okay, but your car isn’t, and the Monday morning traffic has manifested into an impending time-consuming insurance mess, some trips to the chiropractor for whiplash, and a week-long rental car commitment. Not to mention, your boss and co-workers are awaiting your arrival to present your quarterly report. This is a very valid reason to be late. This is even a valid reason to miss work entirely that day, and perhaps the next few. Emergencies happen, and there’s an acceptance for sudden circumstances (medical or family related mostly) that are allowed to stand in the way of promptness and attendance in the 9 to 5 routine.

Now, let’s change the scenario a bit.

It’s 7:56am, and your heart begins to palpitate. Your chest heaves in and out heavily as you begin to hyperventilate, and the room feels like it’s spinning. That morning’s anxiety has built up from the fear of your upcoming office presentation manifested into panic, sending your body into complete fight-or-flight mode. The attack consumes your whole body. You open your eyes to find yourself curled up in bed after a brief blackout. You begin sobbing uncontrollably. Your neck is tense--in fact, your entire body is tense, your mascara is smeared across your face and your shirt is stained from the coffee spilling as you frantically searched to hold on to something for balance as the panic attack hit you. Your boss and co-workers are sitting in the conference room awaiting your arrival, wondering why you haven’t arrived to complete your presentation. Eyes frequently darting at the clock.  Why does it feel like you need to make up a lie about the reason for your lateness or even possibly your absence for the day? 

Mental Health and Stigma

One in five Americans suffers from some type of mental health disorder, so the likelihood of a co-worker experiencing rough times due to mental illness is not far-fetched. In fact, two out of five employees have been bullied at work. So now the odds are even greater that you will directly experience a mental health episode at work or see one of your coworkers struggling. Are you mentally healthy in the workplace? Why is there more acceptance and "forgiveness" for a car accident than for chronic mental illness? We all have to work towards eliminating the stigma! Although the stigma surrounding mental health illness has begun to slowly melt away in the workplace with insurance programs offering services through EAP (employee assistance programs) as well as new hire orientation programs educating on the subject, there is still a lot of work to do!! Reporting a panic attack to the boss creates much more anxiety than one related to a highway car accident or the baby being sick. Admitting mental health issues runs the risk of being cast in a “crazy” light leaving oneself open for judgement despite the irrelevance to job performance in most cases. Acknowledging such a taboo provides an opportunity to be treated differently (in a negative, outcast type of way) after coming out about an issue, which in itself be the domino that impacts how they feel in an office environment. This negative treatment eventually affecting work performance as well as adding to the mental health issue. It could make for a very unhealthy and unproductive cycle for all involved!

There is hope!

Thankfully, as science and education expand, acceptance follows, and mental health awareness throughout offices in America do show signs of progress. Recently, an employee openly expressed in her automatic email response that she would be taking time off to focus on her mental health. Her boss responded with gratitude, commending her for her confidence and openness on the subject that he felt reminded the rest of the employees to practice the same type of self-care. These types of reactions and support systems are extremely helpful in normalizing mental health in the workplace because for those of us who suffer, we know full well that issues stemming from mental health illness can be as debilitating is the worst case of the flu, traffic accident or any other family emergency deemed acceptable. Life is hard. Even for those who do not have the obstacle of chronic mental health issues, juggling everyday tasks, routines, demands surrounding the mind, body and health is a constant struggle. Throw in the added weight of mental instability and life does not get any easier. Work-life balance, specifically an emphasis on self-care, is imperative to maintaining a stable track mentally, physically and spiritually. Committing to daily practices like those found in your Mental Health Toolbox are just as important as setting your alarm clock or brushing your teeth. It is so necessary to stay in charge of your mental health journey and continue empowering yourself to be the best version of you that is possible. Reach your highest potential without allowing a diagnosis prevent you from anything less. Invest in yourself, empower yourself and education and you WILL evolve to greatness.  You can be mentally healthy in the workplace! I'm always available to chat. Don’t forget I have a 30-minute complimentary consultation available. I believe in you!
