wise woman

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

“Take good care of yourself.”

For many of us sometimes sprinting through the rat race of life, the statement rings exceptionally loud as it floats through conversations with colleagues, family members and healthcare practitioners. What does self-care mean for you? From a holistic practitioner standpoint, it means to identify the needs of your mind, body and soul and to take the steps necessary to meet them. Let's look at one creative way to DIY your Mental Health Toolbox into life!In a world where we can witness or access anything or anyone at any time thanks to the internet and social media, practicing self-care in the 24/7 world while buried in regular life stuff like work and family can pose a challenge. But it is possible and with a little bit of prioritized time investment, it can even be creatively fun!In recent months, I’ve begun to build on the importance of this self-care way of life to encourage my clients to be the best versions of themselves as possible. A great supplement to the self-care routine that doubles as a creative catharsis project is your personal version of the Mental Health Toolbox. DIY your Mental Health Toolbox into life!

When I was doing community based services, I worked with young children as well as adolescents. For young people who are struggling with keeping it together at times, I would create a "coping skills bag" which is basically a portable Mental Health Toolbox. We would talk out what they liked to do and then I would fill their bag with those items. It could range from coloring books and crayons to legos or puzzles. The possibilities were endless! The point was they had immediate solutions at their fingertips of how to effectively manage their emotions and overall well-being.

As with the coping skills bag, the concept of the Mental Health Toolbox encourages you to have the proper tools necessary to empower yourself and take charge of your mental health journey at your fingertips. This toolbox will vary from person to person, and as your holistic therapist, I assist with helping you choose the tools that work best for your mental wellness.

Some of these tools can be the practice of better habits like adequate rest and nutrition, but some of them can be actual items that can be collected in your personal Mental Health Toolbox and need to be stored. The object is to have it within quick access when you are in need of self-care or relief from any of life’s day-to-day strains. These items can range from some of your favorite photos, a variety of journals, an uplifting book, scent oils or incense, bath bombs, healthy snacks, business cards for on-call massage therapists, your favorite teas, stress balls and anything under that sun that can act as a little friend to help get you through the day.

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

Because these items can go a long way in providing relief and relaxation, they most certainly deserve a good home!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

DIY Your Mental Health Toolbox into Life!

I’ve found some of my favorite DIY self-care box ideas on Pinterest, posted below with an approximation on the cost of materials. I absolutely loved this neutral eco-friendly box that essentially costs nothing and would look beautiful in any room. Here’s what you need: - An old box suitable to fit your self-care items - A roll of Jute- A glue gun Approximate cost – Under $10When I came across this box, I immediately thought of the pile of magazines that I always keep handy for creative projects. This may be a little more time intensive but I can expect quiet, creative time in a well-lit room during the weekend could prove to be therapeutic. The love that you put into making this box will flow through to your self-care babies and glaze over you like warm sunlight on the days you need it most. Approximate cost - under $5 for glue stick and clips. If you're looking to express your self care in the form of de-cluttering, this DIY storage box is a perfect alternative home for old sweaters, leggings or flip-flops. My favorite things about this project is that I wouldn’t have to give up some of my favorite pieces because I have a great place to store them now. Approximate cost – under $5 for glue sticks; under $10 if you don’t already own a glue gun. Self-care should be as much prioritized as paying your monthly rent or mortgage, because it is essential for balance and personal success. But let's face it--self-care has to be practical or we won't follow through and do it! When you dedicate your self-love creatively with a calming project such as this, you reinforce your priority to yourself and your needs. Go ahead and DIY your Mental Health Toolbox. I’d love to see your toolbox photos!

I’m always available to talk about this more. Just contact me for you 30-minute complimentary consultation. Take care!


Developing your Mental Health Toolbox

A Toolbox for overall well-being

A couple of years ago in trying to figure out which direction I was going both personally as well as professionally, I developed my personal mission statement:

“I will empower those around me with education to support and encourage their personal evolution.”

I’m passionate about this concept because I had to learn the hard way that if we don’t care for ourselves, we begin to deteriorate mentally and emotionally, ultimately manifesting into long-term and chronic physical health issues. I’m talking about chronic health issues that could have easily been prevented had I just known how to manage my mental health and take care of ME! Those experiences, combined with my education and experience out in the world as a mental health provider, have given me the inspiration to take this to the the next level. One of my personal mantras is: “Don’t just talk about it, be about it!”  This is how the Mental Health Toolbox was developed. This toolbox can serve as your key to effective mental health management if embraced and applied with consistency and conviction in being the best version of YOU. I’m living proof!

Because I know these tools within the Mental Health Toolbox are effective, I wanted to take my vision to the next level and include local entrepreneurs to expand the Mental Health Toolbox awareness throughout Kansas City. This month, I have teamed up with wonderful collaborators supporting your mental health wellness while sharing the wealth of their own journeys to serve the people of Kansas City on a holistic level. For Spring, I will be giving away Holistic & Well Self-Care Toolboxes, armed with goodies meant to help bring peace and balance into your life. Please make sure you follow Holistic and Well on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for details on how to win your Mental Health toolbox! I’d like to welcome the gracious and generous collaborators for our April giveaway. Please check them out!

Roni Townsend – Young Living Essential Oils

As a provider of a seemingly endless variety of essential oils, Roni’s business supports the Young Living Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to “empowering individuals to achieve their potential and defy limitations by providing wellness and education to underserved communities.” This amazing organization nourishes youth with resources and opportunities to break through hardships of third-world circumstances to encourage the evolution of leaders that can lead their families and countries in a positive direction. With allergy season around the corner, Roni will be providing a wonderful concoction of essential oils to help your body ward off the stuffy raw sinuses we all dread.

Shannon and Tonya – It Works

This duo will be offering products from their company, It Works! Their system is intended to tone, tighten and firm your body while enhancing confidence and a positive self-image. We may even do some in person collaboration so stay tuned!

Joan Johnson - My Touch Creations

An incredibly creative soul, Joan’s magical fingertips craft the most beautiful, handmade stationery gifts in the Kansas City area and beyond. She has been so generous to offer a gift of affirming and inspiring personal note cards to frame or to give away.

Real Things by Gaylyn

A Beautiful amethyst bracelet and pendant designed by Gaylyn will help clear your energy and assist with emotional healing. Hand-crafted in Nevada, MO, Gaylyn designs and creates each piece with love and positive healing energy.

What's inside yours??!!

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Empowered, Educated and Evolved!

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Over a span of thousands of generations Mother Earth has produced exceptional daughters that have catalyzed the evolution of humankind. Throughout history, women have advanced the worlds of science, politics, arts, and countless family unit foundations that propel the rotation of the world to this day. Here are a few groundbreaking and resistant women of history that have empowered, educated and evolved the world by way of education and social evolution.

Elizabeth I

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Queen Elizabeth’s soulmate was none other than her country to which she was wed and owned her virginity through her lifetime. Her commitment to leading England was demonstrated in her effective unification of the country against foreign enemies. What’s most intriguing is that she was never actually meant to be Queen. She landed the role by what many consider sheer luck after a string of unfortunate deaths within her royal family led to her ownership of the crown. Her grace, charisma and success as a leader disproved the age-old notion that only men were fit to rule a people. As one of the resistant women of history, she defied norms of being a ‘gentlewoman’ that conformed to silence of opinion, childbearing and needlework. She managed to advance her struggling country financially with authentic morale among her people. Her love for the land overpowered any desire to wed a man, despite occasional love-lust affairs throughout her years.

Marie Curie

A two-time pioneer in the Nobel Prize world, Madame Curie, born Marie Skłodowska Curie was the first woman awarded the prestigious international award for her work in physics and chemistry in the early 1900s. The first, shared with her husband Pierre Curie, was for the collaborated discovery of the elements polonium and radium in 1903, though his tragic death followed soon thereafter. She assumed his post as a teacher and continued her research independently, regarding her a Nobel Prize recipient for a second time, being the first woman to hold the title twice. Thanks to their combined research, x-ray equipment was made available to victims during World War I. Madame Curie would even drive herself to the front lines as the head of the International Red Cross to ensure the equipment was delivered, despite the danger and occasional criticism from her peers that a woman was leading in science. Madame Curie’s daughter, Irene, would later go on to also win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Thank you Marie Curie for being one of the resistant women of history and bringing so much to the world we know today.

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Frida Kahlo

Known for her defiant feminist nature, Frida Kahlo was a famed artist from the outskirts of Mexico City riddled with tragedies expressed in her pieces. As a child she survived polio, and was encouraged by her father to play traditionally male sports of her time like soccer, boxing and wrestling to help the limited mobility in her legs caused by the disease, adding to her already rambunctious personality. Frida attended school during the Mexican Revolution, an influential time that would later show in her paintings. When she was teenager, she was left crippled after breaking several bones in a bus accident, and art became her catharsis as she recovered in a body cast. Up until her death at 47, about 25% of her 200 or so pieces were self-portraits telling the story of her internal pain and tumultuous love affair with two-time husband and artist Diego Rivera. As one of the resistant women of history, her work has heralded her as one of the highest-valued woman artists in art history.

Rosa Parks

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

By vehemently refusing move from her bus seat designated in an area for white passengers, Montgomery, Alabama’s Rosa Parks was a prominent starting domino in the Civil Rights Movement. Rebelling against the judgment of her skin color resulted in her arrest and a guilty verdict for violating segregation laws at her trial, catapulting a bus boycott movement that would unite people of color in their demand for respect and equal rights. She fought alongside a growing support group consisting of E.D. Nixon of the NAACP and Martin Luther King Jr. and other prominent rising African-American activists. The bus boycott rallied at least 40,000 commuters in its 381-day span, eventually resulting in the lifting of segregation in public transportation. This was a tipping point for equal rights among African-Americans throughout the country. As one of the resistant women of history, Rosa Parks would go on to stand up for her race and gender throughout her lifetime, a legacy that’s fiercely continued in today’s unbalanced society. These women, resistant women of history, possess the common denominators of heartfelt rebellion, bravery and drive to express passions within their souls in the face of violence, criticism and male-dominated cultures. They’ve inspired cycles of new (s)heroes today who continue to poetically and gracefully demand balanced respect as capable women. We thank you and honor you not just for Women's History Month but every day of the year!!


Self-Discovery Month!!

“Who in the world am I?Ah, that's the great puzzle.”

― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

So May has been deemed "self-discovery month" which is phenomenal but as I always say..."why do important things just get considered for a day, week or month?" Self-discovery should happen every single day!! It's what keeps us on the straight and narrow. I often work with many of my clients in completing a Personal Mission Statement (PMS) which helps in developing a life direction...whatever that direction may be!! PMS help us to assess if the choices we're making are going to help us achieve our mission of if those choices deter us. It can be something as simple as a word, a phrase or a complete paragraph. It doesn't matter!! As long as you think it through in developing your statement that's all that really matters. A great place to start is completing an inventory of self.

There's lots of good stuff out here on the web to help you get started with your self-discovery. One of the books I've read and keep on hand to utilize with my clients is Stephen Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and there's an awesome workbook to accompany the read. There's also a teenage version with workbook as well that I've utilized within a group setting with noticeable results. If you don't like to read, I have some comprehensive exercises that will get you started under the resources tab.

Writing your PMS down makes it real!! If it's just clinking around in your head you're less apt to put it into practice. Talk with those around you that you trust most to get an outside perspective of yourself. Clarify and define who you are by examining your habits, attitudes and beliefs. Don't forget to look at your behaviors as well. We can say all day that we have a specific belief but if we're doing the complete opposite it nulls that belief completely!! So don't allow your life to float around in the wind like a leaf. Take action and write your Personal Mission Statement! I can help you get started! Contact me for your complimentary 30-minute consultation. You’re in control of your mental wellness journey!

Your beliefs become your thoughts! Your thoughts become your words! Your words become your actions! Your actions become your habits! Your habits become your values! Your values become your destiny!


Empower, Educate, Evolve