women rock

Over 50 and dating...

“Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love…but don’t put your life on hold waiting for love.”
― Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

Dating ain’t the same no more

I just wanna know….when did it get so hard?? The struggle is real people. There’s no more “magically” bumping into someone at the grocery store, exchanging phone numbers and letting the fun begin. The art of dating is forever lost! First of all, with the set in of COVID we all have our groceries delivered! We have our Walmart, Target and Old Navy purchases delivered as well. Whatever is left that we need is delivered from Amazon. If we happen to be out and about, so many of us are not paying attention to who or what’s in front of us so it doesn’t really matter. We’re looking at our phones, worrying about our afternoon appointments or adjusting the mask that’s irritating our face for the 50th time!

As a woman over 50, the dating pool is even more narrow and complicated than it is for energetic and perky 20-year olds. Seasoned vets of the relationship game like myself have probably had a heartbreak or two so the whole princess being saved by the prince theme is long gone and played out. We don’t buy it. We don’t believe it. We don’t even look for it anymore.

I don’t know if I’m jaded, but I look at relationships like transactions now. Each party has an idea of what they would like to get out of the interaction. Perhaps it’s love or maybe it’s just a hot roll around in the bed. Regardless of what IT is, there are still some healthy and positive ways to find a partner that can be the peanut butter to your jelly!!

Do you know what you want?

  1. First and foremost, make sure you know what you really want in a relationship. I’m not talking the aesthetics of the person but the meat and potatoes of what the relationship brings to your life. Sit down, be honest with yourself and think about what are your needs? What brings you happiness? What puts a smile on your face? What are your non-negotiables? Most of us don’t have a clue because we don’t take time to have a conversation with ourselves. Do you want adventure, safety, companionship, freedom, etc. etc.? List the top 3-5 concrete things that you need within your relationship for it to be positive and fulfilling.

  2. Once you know what you are looking for, learn how to articulate it!! Again, many of us use generic descriptions to define what we want. Use the phrase “I want” or “I need” when communicating with potential dating possibilities. If you’ve taken time to do the work of self-discovery then you don’t have to waste your time on folks who aren’t gonna fit the bill for whatever reason. I’m all about expediency!

  3. At one point in time, I had a long exhaustive list with bulleted items that I wanted my potential sweetheart to possess. However, it came painfully clear to me that I was being super ridiculous and unrealistic!! So, we must learn to be flexible and remove the expectation of what we think we want and allow the energy to manifest what is best for us. Now that doesn’t mean settle but that does mean be realistic in your thinking.

  4. This is a big one! Be open to new experiences!! Somebody important once said if you want something new and different then you’ll have to do new and different things. Go and actually grab your own groceries in person. Try a new coffee shop. Take a daytrip to try a new restaurant. Join a dating site. Take a girls’ trip. Just be open to changing your routine to allow for new people to enter your world. That greatly improves the odds of meeting more new and interesting people.

  5. Be in the moment! Don’t look at each potential as “the one” but instead look at enjoying that person at that moment. See where things go if anywhere. Just realize and understand that dating is a numbers game! If things don’t work out don’t take it personally. Remember that who and what is for you will easily make it into your life and pathway.

  6. Take care of you. Make sure you are being the best and most healthy version of yourself. When we are single that is the best time to do the “work” necessary to process the old baggage from previous relationships. Don’t mix old crap with new possibilities because it just won’t work out in the end. Deal with your past, forgive yourself and others then move on to live.

At the end of the day, there are no guarantees. We’re set in our ways. We like things to be a certain way. Dating and finding love over 50 has its own unique set of challenges. Make sure to build and develop the life YOU want as a single woman. Enjoy living and do the things necessary to make your life rich and full of contentment on your terms. Don’t sit around and wait for “the one”. Go out and live your best life and remember that a life partner is just an added dimension to an already beautiful love story with yourself.

If you’d like to explore this topic some more, don’t forgot I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation! Take care!


Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Empowered, Educated and Evolved!

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Over a span of thousands of generations Mother Earth has produced exceptional daughters that have catalyzed the evolution of humankind. Throughout history, women have advanced the worlds of science, politics, arts, and countless family unit foundations that propel the rotation of the world to this day. Here are a few groundbreaking and resistant women of history that have empowered, educated and evolved the world by way of education and social evolution.

Elizabeth I

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Queen Elizabeth’s soulmate was none other than her country to which she was wed and owned her virginity through her lifetime. Her commitment to leading England was demonstrated in her effective unification of the country against foreign enemies. What’s most intriguing is that she was never actually meant to be Queen. She landed the role by what many consider sheer luck after a string of unfortunate deaths within her royal family led to her ownership of the crown. Her grace, charisma and success as a leader disproved the age-old notion that only men were fit to rule a people. As one of the resistant women of history, she defied norms of being a ‘gentlewoman’ that conformed to silence of opinion, childbearing and needlework. She managed to advance her struggling country financially with authentic morale among her people. Her love for the land overpowered any desire to wed a man, despite occasional love-lust affairs throughout her years.

Marie Curie

A two-time pioneer in the Nobel Prize world, Madame Curie, born Marie Skłodowska Curie was the first woman awarded the prestigious international award for her work in physics and chemistry in the early 1900s. The first, shared with her husband Pierre Curie, was for the collaborated discovery of the elements polonium and radium in 1903, though his tragic death followed soon thereafter. She assumed his post as a teacher and continued her research independently, regarding her a Nobel Prize recipient for a second time, being the first woman to hold the title twice. Thanks to their combined research, x-ray equipment was made available to victims during World War I. Madame Curie would even drive herself to the front lines as the head of the International Red Cross to ensure the equipment was delivered, despite the danger and occasional criticism from her peers that a woman was leading in science. Madame Curie’s daughter, Irene, would later go on to also win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Thank you Marie Curie for being one of the resistant women of history and bringing so much to the world we know today.

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

Frida Kahlo

Known for her defiant feminist nature, Frida Kahlo was a famed artist from the outskirts of Mexico City riddled with tragedies expressed in her pieces. As a child she survived polio, and was encouraged by her father to play traditionally male sports of her time like soccer, boxing and wrestling to help the limited mobility in her legs caused by the disease, adding to her already rambunctious personality. Frida attended school during the Mexican Revolution, an influential time that would later show in her paintings. When she was teenager, she was left crippled after breaking several bones in a bus accident, and art became her catharsis as she recovered in a body cast. Up until her death at 47, about 25% of her 200 or so pieces were self-portraits telling the story of her internal pain and tumultuous love affair with two-time husband and artist Diego Rivera. As one of the resistant women of history, her work has heralded her as one of the highest-valued woman artists in art history.

Rosa Parks

Resistant Women of History

Resistant Women of History

By vehemently refusing move from her bus seat designated in an area for white passengers, Montgomery, Alabama’s Rosa Parks was a prominent starting domino in the Civil Rights Movement. Rebelling against the judgment of her skin color resulted in her arrest and a guilty verdict for violating segregation laws at her trial, catapulting a bus boycott movement that would unite people of color in their demand for respect and equal rights. She fought alongside a growing support group consisting of E.D. Nixon of the NAACP and Martin Luther King Jr. and other prominent rising African-American activists. The bus boycott rallied at least 40,000 commuters in its 381-day span, eventually resulting in the lifting of segregation in public transportation. This was a tipping point for equal rights among African-Americans throughout the country. As one of the resistant women of history, Rosa Parks would go on to stand up for her race and gender throughout her lifetime, a legacy that’s fiercely continued in today’s unbalanced society. These women, resistant women of history, possess the common denominators of heartfelt rebellion, bravery and drive to express passions within their souls in the face of violence, criticism and male-dominated cultures. They’ve inspired cycles of new (s)heroes today who continue to poetically and gracefully demand balanced respect as capable women. We thank you and honor you not just for Women's History Month but every day of the year!!
